The World of Mystic Realms

9. The World of Mystic Realms


After short discussions on 'History' and 'Geography', this chapter then proceeds to
discuss all those things that 'I would want to know if I only knew what to ask about'.


It was at the end of the first millennium, in the lands of Alhanzar, when they came. Foul,
hideous creatures they were, streaming down from the north with but one goal in mind: the
destruction of the twelve races of humans, elves, dwarves and halflings. Perilous times
indeed were these, for although the forces of good fought valiantly, whenever one of the
creatures was killed after only a short time another filled its place as if out of thin
air. But, just when it appeared as if all were lost, as if by an act of God a star fell
from the sky, landing in the midst of the lands to the north. The evil forces trembled at
this, and no longer did one of them fill the place of another that was killed. With this
the forces of good arose anew, defeated the evil creatures, and drove them from the land.

Having rid their lands of the evil creatures, the twelve races then set out to repair the
damage that had been done and build up their countries so they would be even stronger than
they had been before. Great cities and great lands were developed, civilization
flourished, and peace reigned throughout. All that was left was to civilize the lands to
the north, which had become known as the 'Mystic Realms'. Very little was known about
these lands, though it was rumored that despite the overwhelming evil that was there, some
forces of good existed nonetheless.

An outpost, known as Minton, was established in the Mystic Realms, and the process of
civilizing these lands was thus begun. However, after just a short time after it was
established, and to the horror of all, Minton was attacked and overrun by evil creatures
who had regained the ability to return out of thin air a short time after they were

Given the terrible implications of this incident, a great meeting was called among the
wise and powerful in the lands of Alhanzar. Even though the clerics of the land had
mastered the ability of 'recall', allowing slain individuals to be raised from the dead,
and the magic users of the land now had great magical abilities, it was the decision of
these individuals, who came to be known as 'The Powers That Be', that they did not know
the extent of the evil in the Mystic Realms and they thus did not know if they had the
power to overcome it. As such The Powers That Be ruled out the possibility of a military
expedition. Instead, what they decided was to re-establish the outpost at Minton, but this
time protect the outpost with an impassable sphere, and then populate the area with those
seeking their fame and fortune. As those inside the sphere, which became known as 'The
Sphere of Mysticism', became better able to deal with the evil outside, the sphere would
be expanded and in this fashion the evil in the Mystic Realms would be overcome.

With this, the outpost of Minton was re-established near the site of the old outpost, the
Sphere of Mysticism was put in place, and a 'Call to Adventurers' was sent out.


From the Sea of Tranquility, the Mystic River runs west, before turning south where it is
joined by the River Styx from the west. It then travels south into the pacified lands of

The town of Haven was built by the Powers That Be on the north bank of the Mystic River
just before it turns south. Haven is mostly a training center for adventurers.

The town of Sanctuary grew up quite spontaneously just to the northeast of Haven, once
adventurers started arriving in the Mystic Realms. It provides various things, like potion
sellers, that the planners of Haven neglected.

To the west of Haven, where the River Styx flows into the Mystic River is the town of
Verbonic. Originally just a pub at this point, there have been a number of buildings added
by the Powers That Be, including one dedicated to the various classes in the realm.

Southwest of Verbonic, is the town of Clysmort. When Minton (to the north of Clysmort and
west of Verbonic) was overrun by the undead, the Minton survivors fled south across the
swamp and expected they would be next. But, the undead never came. The town then grew up
after that, and now has a number of stores not available otherwise in the realm.

The town of Uswick is north of Sanctuary, through the mountains. There, in a secluded
valley, the residents of Uswick held their ground when the area was overrun by evil, with
the walls of Uswick proving invaluable in their defense. With the arrival of the PTB,
Uswick is much more secure now (though, evil is never very far) and there are a number of
unique shops there not available otherwise in the realm.

Salazad, with its solid stone walls, had been under attack for years before the invasion
of evil, and thus was able to withstand that attack as well. The Sultan of Salazad has his
palace in the eastern part of town, not far from the east gate which leads to the Sea of

There are rumors of other towns in the Mystic Realms, including one totally under ground,
but these rumors have not been substantiated.

The area south of Verbonic, across the River Styx, is known as Greenwood and is special in
that is totally run by the PTB, LOR and adventurers. There is an arena there, a pub, and
various guilds have constructed guild halls for their private use.


It is most important to memorize one's room teleportal (new adventurers have this given to
them automatically so memorization of this TP is not required for them) as it allows easy
access to and from one's room and the other areas of the land. If memorization of new
teleportals pushes one's room teleportal down on the list to the point where it is
inconvenient, the way to get it back to the top (and this applies to other teleportals as
well) is to stand on it, enter the FORGET command, and then the MEMORIZE command. This
effectively places the teleportal at the top of your list.

The bed is not just for ornamentation in each adventurer's room. Rather, if you SLEEP in
your bed you will recover all stress and fatigue. If you are bleeding or poisoned, you
will not be able to sleep. Sleep also does not remove wounds or cure disease. However,
there are potions (and Healer prayers) that can remove all of these maladies.

The desk has a number of uses. First, you may send EMsgs to other players (first enter the
EMsg command with the player's name that you are sending to, then enter the text), and
well as READ EMsgs sent to you, and REPLY to those sent to you as well.

Another function of the desk is to SCRY. This gives you a list of players in the land and
where they are adventuring. Most pubs also have crystal balls and thus you can SCRY there
as well.

If you are sitting at your desk when you enter the game, the text display will expand to
allow you to view all messages more easily. If you are not at your desk then the text will
not be expanded.

The most important function of the desk is to store items. Unlike the locker, where
anything can be stored, the desk only allows the storage of small items like potions,
amulets, rings, and scrolls.

An important function in storing these items is dividing the desk into 'drawers'. Once you
have items in drawer '0' (which is not shown), you can then click on the lower left of the
desk icon on the locations display and go to drawer '1'. D1, indicating you are working
with drawer 1, will then appear there. You can then add more drawers, any number in fact,
once you have at least one item in the highest drawer that you currently have, and can go
back to lower numbered drawers by clicking on the lower right portion of the desk icon.
Using drawers is an excellent way of keeping all potions, amulets, etc, of one type

Another function of the desk related to drawers, is the automatic sorting of items. If you
put an item into drawer 0, and you have at least one drawer having that type of item, the
item will be put into that drawer instead of drawer 0. Thus, when bringing new potion,
ring, etc, treasure back from a hunt, all's you need to do is put all items in drawer 0,
and they will be sorted automatically into their appropriate drawer.

Also, if all the items in one drawer are the same type (and are potions, amulets, scrolls
or spell or prayer rings), they will be automatically sorted by level (lowest level at the
top, etc), regardless of whether the item was added directly to that drawer or added
through drawer '0' as mentioned above. This makes understanding exactly what level
potions, etc, you have in your desk, much easier.

As mentioned previously, lockers allow the storing of all types of items, not just small
items. Like desks, lockers may be divided into 'shelves' (S1, S2, etc), and also like
desks, items put into 'section 0' are put into their appropriate section, and are sorted
by level if all of the same type and potions, amulets, scrolls or spell or prayer rings.

Each player's locker also has a mirror attached, and if you enter the LOOK command while
standing at your locker, you will see what other players would see if they LOOKed at you
in the game.

Lastly, in some guilds and other places that are 'permanent' lockers that can be accessed
by any player and where items do not decay. These lockers do not provide the sorting into
section by putting the item into section 0, but will sort all potions, etc, in a section
if all are of the same type, and you may also DUMP your sack into a permanent locker. If
this happens, all cases where an item would increase a count of an item already there, are
added to that count, while all other items are placed in a new section 1 higher than the
old highest section. With this, one can DUMP one's sack into a permanent locker and then
take all items in the new section and add them to their appropriate section or take them


In the town of Haven there is a Common Room, between the Inn and the Pub, and there are
some special functions here.

First, there are 'donate counters'. Players may make 'donations' to these counters using
the DONATE command. When this command is entered, whatever is in your right hand is
donated to the donate counters in the Common Room, as long as it is a weapon or armor, a
class item (robes, hats, sashes, etc), or a skill ring. The item is taken from your right
hand and placed on a donate counter. If it is above a certain level, the level will be
reduced to a level appropriate for the donate counters and the donater will get experience
and TRP for their donation.

In any case, all players may just take whatever they wish from these counters, with the
understanding that you may only take items within a certain level range, depending on your
level. There are also skill and class requirements depending on the item. Given these
restrictions, if you can take a given item you can keep it.

Besides the donate counters there are some other functions in the Common Room. There is a
bed there that anyone can use to regain fatigue and stress. There are also permanent
lockers there that anyone can use. At times, higher level players place potions in these
lockers for new players to use (again, if you can take it you can use it), and also if you
find the gear of a fellow player in the dungeons you can place it in these lockers (others
will not be able to take it) for them to get when they next get back on the game. Note
that tied items placed in the lockers will decay after 24 hours.

Lastly, for those on Game Plans, the Common Room exists in a somewhat different
configuration on the other servers, and if you go to one of these servers in an area that
does not exist on that server, you will be put in the Common Room as a starting point.


Coins and gems are the most obvious monetary treasure in the game, but most other items
can also be sold (e.g. the value deposited into your bank account at the seller's counter
in your trainers quarters). The higher craftsmanship and higher type material an item is,
the more value the item will bring. Usually adventurers SEARCH and take the more valuable
items that are found (see the CRT command explained later in this chapter for a means of
controlling what items are looked for in SEARCH).

Besides gems and coins, most items found in the game have other significance as well.


Potions differ from other magic items, like scrolls and wands, in that they may be used by
ANYONE. However, due to their nature (e.g. they must be imbibed) they are limited to
spells and prayers that affect the imbiber, which is typically protection spells and
prayers, help prayers, and those that remove stress or other damage.

Most potions can be bought from sellers in the land, with the cost increasing for each
higher level desired. They may also be found otherwise in dungeons.

The affect of potions typically depends on the level of the spell or prayer in the potion
and one's own character level. In some cases, potions will fail to have any affect if too
low level. In other cases, a higher level potion will have a greater affect. How much this
might be is not generally known and is thus left to the adventurers to determine.

HEAL and REFRESH are obviously important and most adventurers carry a number of both of
these on their belt. BIND, MEND, and the CURE potions are similarly important, but less so
once adventurers get armor that protects then from wounds, bleeding, and the other
affects. KARMA and MANA potions allow Karma and Mana stress to be removed when
adventuring, but only if outside the sight of hostile creatures.

The various protection potions protect an adventurer against attacks of the particular
magical or supernatural discipline (e.g. soul attacks, fire attacks, etc). ELEGANCE
potions provide similar protection, but instead raise an adventurer's 'saving throw',
which means the damage taken from all magical or supernatural attacks will be lessened
though not completely eliminated in any case.

PROTECTION AGAINST EVIL and PROTECTION AGAINST MAGIC are special protection potions used
in conjunction with normal protection potions. These function at their level UP to the
level of whatever protection is had otherwise (in other words, if you have PROTEVIL at L80
and PROTSOUL at L76, the PROTEVIL functions at L76 against Soul attacks). When attacked,
these affects must be destroyed first by the attacker before the normal prot is attacked.
This thus gives the additional level of protection with PROTEVIL protecting against
clerical attacks and PROTMAGIC protecting against mage attacks.

BLESS potions are particularly important for those fighting in melee combat, as this
prayer affects both one's ability to attack and one's ability to defend. VALOR and COURAGE
are also important, with the former having the same affect as BLESS in attacking, and the
latter having the same affect as BLESS in defending.

MISSILE SHIELD potions are important when defending against missile attacks, particularly
so for those that do not carry shields and are not good at dodging (missile attacks cannot
be blocked by one's weapon).

The above potions can all be found in the land, can be imbued by those knowing the
appropriate spell or prayer, and can also be purchased at potions sellers in the land.
However, there are other potions where the ability to imbue has not yet been found by the
mages and clerics in the pacified lands of Alhanzar, and thus can only be FOUND in the
dungeons in the Mystic Realms. These potions include BARKSKIN, ESHIELD, TRUTH, VISION, and

BARKSKIN turns the imbiber's skin into bark, thus significantly increasing one's defensive

ESHIELD adds a level of force around the imbiber, thus significantly increasing one's
defensive abilities. Note that BARKSKIN and ESHIELD will not work with each other (for
reasons unknown) and will not work with DARKNESS or the sorcerer personal affects.

TRUTH increases one's level in reciting prayers or casting spells. This is thus a very
significant potion for clerics and mages.

HONOR increases one's ability in attacking, similar to Valor. However, Honor potions
cannot be purchased and thus must be found in the dungeons.

HERO potions are unique in that there are 8 different types, one for each stat. Each
raises the given stat (only while the potion is in effect) by one or more. HERO STRENGTH
and HERO AGILITY are a bit different in that the bonus gained is divided between these two
stats, with the former giving strength a bonus first while the latter gives agility a
bonus first. HERO CONSTITUTION, HERO EMPATHY and HERO COGNITION are also a bit unique in
that they not only give a stat bonus but give a bonus in endurance (stamina, karma or
mana) as well.

QUEST and EXPERIENCE potions are special potions that can only be had by succeeding on a
quest or by achieving something in an event run in the land. These are very powerful
potions, with L1 Quest potions giving a +7 adder in melee combat and a +3 adder to all
spells and prayers. L2 Quest potions give twice this affect. L1 Experience potions
increase the experience one gains in combat by 40%, with the bonus being turned into
training points automatically. L2 Experience potions work the same but a 100% bonus in
experience is gained.

Those having magic or clerical ability in a spell or prayer that can be imbued in a potion
can create such a potion up to the level of their specific skill in the spell or prayer to
be imbued. An appropriate blank potion at the level desired for the imbuement must first
be obtained (purchased at the magic or holy store or obtained otherwise) and this is held
in the right hand and the command IMBUE is entered along with the spell or prayer to be
imbued, optionally followed by the level that the spell or prayer is to be imbued at. If
this last parameter is omitted then the character's level in the specific skill for that
spell or prayer is used. The character suffers mana or karma loss as if casting the spell
or reciting the prayer normally, but is otherwise not affected. Potions created in this
way function exactly the same as similar potions found otherwise in the land.


Scrolls containing mage spells and also those containing cleric prayers can be found in
the land, and are distinguishable (e.g. either a mage scroll or a cleric scroll) by the
type of parchment they are inscribed upon.

To be able to read a scroll to see what spell or prayer it contains, the character must
have level 1 skill or greater in the class skill pertaining to the spell or prayer on the

To be able to understand what level a spell or prayer inscribed on a scroll is at, and to
be able to in fact use the scroll, the level of the spell or prayer on the scroll must be
less than or equal to the character's class skill level pertaining to that spell or
prayer, plus one HALF (fractions rounded down) of the character's specific skill level
pertaining to that spell or prayer. In other words, if a character has the Sorcery skill
at level 10 and the Fireball skill at level 10, Fireball scrolls up to level 15 may be

For scrolls the armor limitations on the class pertaining to the spell or prayer on the
scroll apply. In other words, a Sage would not be able to use a Fireball scroll unless the
Sage was not wearing any armor.

To be able to inscribe a blank scroll with a spell or prayer at a given level, the
character must have BOTH the class skill AND the specific skill pertaining to the spell or
prayer to be inscribed at the level to be inscribed or greater. A blank scroll at that
level or greater must first be obtained (at the magic or holy store or otherwise). Then,
the scroll is held in the right hand and the command INSCRIBE, followed by the spell or
prayer to be inscribed and, optionally, the level of the spell or prayer, is entered. If
the level is omitted then the character's level in the specific skill for that spell or
prayer is used. The character inscribing the spell or prayer suffers normal mana or karma
fatigue as if casting the spell or reciting the prayer, but is otherwise not affected.

Scrolls do not 'tie' like some other items and thus can be used by anyone as long as they
meet the requirements above.


Iun Stones are very rare items, some rarer than others, that when found can bring the
character special abilities. Red iun stones can be used create potions that do not run out
over time. Blue iun stones can be used to have magic or supernatural qualities imbedded
into gear. There are also other iun stones, green, yellow, etc, that will allow you to
increase the level of rings.


There are various NPCs in the land that can do special things. The best thing to do is to
talk to the NPCs (start out with <NPC name>, hello) and go from there with what they tell
you. Some of the NPCs and their special functions are as follows (note that there are in
general charges for special services):

Harold, the Innkeeper in Haven: If you lose your room for any reason (like leaving a
guild) Harold can give you a new one (with your locker and desk gear transferred
automatically). Also, if you are on a quest or crusade and ask him to 'quit', he will end
the quest or crusade for you.

Sahkir, the Historian: This NPC is in the town of Salazad and is visited a lot by players,
as he will tell you your attack, defensive and fatigue levels at the current time. This is
important in trying different gear, potions, etc, etc, and seeing the difference each

Zang, the Potion and Amulet trader: This NPC is also in the town of Salazad and will take
two potions or amulets at a given level and give you back one potion or amulet one level
higher. This NPC is regularly visited by characters to get higher level potions and

Amulet Imbedder: This NPC will imbed amulets into normal or purchased gear.

Enchantment Transferrer: This NPC will transfer enchantments from one piece of gear into

Blue Iun Stone trader: This NPC will allow you to add, remove, alter and increase the
level of, essence or elemental affects in gear.

Green/Yellow Iun Stone trader: This NPC will allow you to increase the level of rings.

Perm Potion maker: This NPC will allow you to create permanent potions (which last forever
once you drink them). Red Iun Stones are needed for this purpose.

Affects Teller: This NPC will tell you what affects you currently have on and what levels
they are at.

Essence/Elemental Defensive Levels Teller: This NPC will tell you what levels your current
Essence and Elemental defensive abilities are at.

Holy Symbol Trader: This NPC will take two holy symbols at the same level and give you one
holy symbol that is one level higher than the one's you had. Note that when this is done
the holy symbol is personalized which means, amongst other things, that you cannot use it
with another holy symbol to get another level.

Crusade NPC: There is an NPC in the land that can set you up to go on a Crusade. When in
this mode, your combat levels are reduced to the level of the Crusade but when hunting you
get increased experience, and all the experience is turned automatically into training
points (which means you don't need the cash to purchase them).

Baralza Realm Quest NPC: This NPC can set you up to go on a Quest. You will be given the
name of a 'named' critter, and must bring back the emblem of that critter. If you do you
get a L1 Quest Potion.


In MRA items are moved around by clicking on the item with the mouse and dragging it to
it's destination and releasing it. An alternate way to take items on the ground and put
them in your sack is by use of the TAKE command, which only works with certain parameters
which are listed here as reference:


In this case an item of the type named will be taken, assuming you have a sack on your
belt and it is not full. If there are more than one of the type of item in the square, the
message will read 'You first take…', while if it is the only one of the type of item
left you will get the message 'You take…'.

Besides the parameters listed above, you may also follow the TAKE command with a number
(e.g. TAKE 10, etc). With this, any weapon or armor at that level will be taken.

Note that the LOOT command is used to take coins and gems on the ground, putting them in
your pouch.

It should be noted here that making macros with these commands is a popular way of looting
and taking important items while minimizing the amount of time spent.


There are a number of display functions that allow you to control the size of the screen,
the size of text displayed, etc.

If you are using a display resolution of 1024x768 or smaller you must use the screen size
that is put up (these resolutions are not large enough to contain the larger screen

Otherwise, if you click on the RIGHT side of the Experience rectangle, you will increase
the size of the screen to the next larger size, while if you click on the LEFT side of the
experience rectangle, you will decrease the size to the next lower size. Three sizes
(small, medium and large) are provided.

You may also accomplish this simply by clicking on the 'maximize' button on your Windows
title bar. This will change the resolution from the medium size to the maximum and back.

You may also change the size of the text that is displayed, by using the SET command. SET
TEXT 16 sets the text that is displayed to the largest size, while the numbers 14, 12 and
10 may be used to go to smaller sizes. This is for the text displayed in normal text
window. If going to EXPANDED (or CHAT) text mode, then the command is SET CHAT 16, with
14, 12, and 10 also available.

There are also various commands (SET, SET COLOR, SET LAYOUT, SET BRIGHT, SET CONTRAST, SET
SOUND, SET DEFAULT) that can be used to alter the color and layout of the screen to your
liking. These are available in the M pulldown menu and this is the easiest way to try
these, along with using the dot button.

In all cases where you change the display characteristics as mentioned above, they will
not be saved for your next MRA session unless you enter the SAVE command. Note that the
SAVE command saves your current display and text settings but otherwise has no affect on
the game.


The purpose of the 'CRT' command is to give players control over aspects of their play of
the game that are outside the actual play of the game itself. Things like the coinage that
your bank account is tracked in, the level of items you look for in search, your default
'TUNE' channel, etc. The command syntax is 'CRT' plus a letter plus any other parameters.

CRT B (Set Bank Coinage Level)

This command sets your bank coinage level. In other words, the type of coins that your
bank account is tracked in. If entered with no parameters (e.g. CRT B) then your current
bank coinage level is displayed. If entered with a number after the CRT B then your bank
coinage level will be set to that level.

Note that, due to the coinage types used in the game, only odd numbers are valid for bank
coinage levels. Also, in the normal play of the game, if your bank account gets to the
point where it might overflow, the game will automatically change the bank coinage used.
If this happens you can check this via CRT B. Lastly, when changing bank coinage levels,
any overflow or underflow is lost. So, you should be careful when changing your bank
coinage levels as otherwise you could in fact wipe out your entire bank account.

CRT D (Set Default TUNE Channel)

This CRT command changes your default TUNE channel by toggling from one possible channel
to another (those that you cannot access are skipped). At each point you are told what
your default channel will now be and once this starts repeating what you have seen before,
well, you have toggled through the entire list.

Your default TUNE channel is the one you are put on when you enter the game and also if
you are not on any channel and enter TUNE with no parameters.

CRT E <entry message> (Set Channel Entry Message)

The CRT command with the E parameter and text following, sets the entry message that you
and others see when you tune to a channel (including when entering the game). The text
entered is appended to "<your name> joins the channel". If you enter CRT E with no
parameters than your channel entry message will be set back to the default, which is the
text string above with a period at the end.

CRT F <friend number> (Remove friend from list)

The CRT command with the F parameter and the friend number removes that friend from your
list of friends. The friend number is the position of that friend in the list (first
player in list is number 1) when you do a SCRY FRIENDS.

Players initially set up each other as friends via the whisper command and the syntax
"<character name>, FRIENDS?" with the other player responding with "<character name>,
FRIENDS" (same as previous except no ?, double quotes used here only to delineate start
and end of syntax). Once friends have been set up, you will see them (if they are online)
or be told when they were last on (if on within past month) if you do a SCRY FRIENDS, and
you are also told when they enter the game (if you are online), and can pick up each
other's gear if both are online.

CRT M (Set Death Message Level)

Normally, death messages are received for those that are on the same channel as you, are
in the same guild, or are on your friends list. This command allows you to also see death
messages for all characters that are more than half your level, which is useful for
priests to know as far as players they might want to raise from the dead (and thus get
experience) but other classes may use this command as well. Entering this command with no
parameters toggles you from receiving these extra death messages or not.

CRT S (Set Search Level)

When entered with no parameters (e.g. just CRT S) your current search level is displayed.
Otherwise, any number may be entered after CRT S and if so then your search level will be
set to that level.

This level controls what gear you are told about when searching. Only items at that level
or higher, or one level less and magical or supernatural, and all enchanted items, are
displayed when searching. This is thus a most important thing to control so you get the
messages for gear that you want to see and eliminate the messages for all the gear that
you really don't want to hear about.

CRT T (Time and Server)

This command will display the current 'MRT' (Mystic Realms Time) as well as the server you
are currently on.

CRT U (Toggle Acceptance of Unsolicited Help Spells and Prayers)

Some players have found that getting unsolicited help prayers and spells by passer-byes,
can get to be annoying, and thus this command is available to prohibit this. When on,
unsolicited spells and prayers are rejected, excepting those from fellow guild mates,
those that you are in the same combat group with, and the player that you last TELLed to.

CRT X <Character Name> (Block an account)

It is unfortunate but something that nonetheless happens, where players at times get to be
deliberately annoying, to certain other players and at times to lots of other players. So,
it is thus necessary to allow players being so annoyed to put a stop to it, and thus this

Entering CRT X with a character name (without any guild tag) will block all EMsgs, TELLs
and Whispers from that character (e.g. all private communication), as well as blocking all
other characters on that player's account, and to all other characters on your account.

If you enter CRT X with no parameters, the list of characters that you have blocked will
be shown. Note that, these character names are truncated after 11 characters so this list
is just a 'reference' as to who you have blocked as what is really blocked are player's

If you enter CRT X with a character name that you have blocked already, then that
character will be removed from your blocking list.

Player's should note that, when you block another player, the reverse holds as well, in
that you may not EMsg, TELL or whisper to another player that you currently have blocked.


There are events sponsored by the PTB (Powers That Be) as well as the LOR (Lords and
Ladies of the Realm) where players may participate, and gain 'Role Playing Points' (which
may be used to purchase an enchanted or other valuable item), as well as experience and
Training Points (TRP), and in most cases special prizes, including Quest Potions and
Experience Potions.

Due to the actions of some problem players, players must be on a Game Plan to participate
in monster summoning or player vs player tournaments. Party brawls, and non-combat events
may be attended by all (as long as players to not cause problems).

Players should note that, generally speaking, the LOR runs their event the way they want,
and may prohibit problem players (as they see it) from participating. If a player does not
like the way an LOR runs their event, the option they have is to not attend. Constructive
comments in the forums about how an event is run are accepted but complaints, are not.
Again, if a player does not like how an LOR runs their event, their option is to not

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